Johnson Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Blog
How Chiropractic Can Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Catonsville MD
Chiropractic Can Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is an injury caused by forceful and repetitive movements resulting in pinching of the median nerve and swelling and inflammation around the tendons. CTS causes reduced control and muscle strength in the hand and wrist, burning, painful tingling, numbness, and pain radiating from the hand…
Headaches After an Auto Accident and How Your Baltimore Area Chiropractor Can Help
Headaches After an Auto Accident and How Your Baltimore Area Chiropractor Can Help Even a minor auto accident can cause significant pain. Many individuals who experience an auto accident suffer from back injuries, whiplash, neck pain, and concussions. Other complications may arise as well from these injuries. Even when receiving the proper medical treatment, it…
Catonsville Chiropractor Explains How to Avoid Back Injuries
How To Know If Your Back Pain Will Go Away On It’s Own, Or is More Serious Do you suffer from back pain that comes and goes? Do you go days, weeks, even months, feeling great and then Wham, you are in severe pain? If you do, you are not alone! In fact, I have…
How To Know If Your Back Pain Will Go Away On Its Own, Or is More Serious
How To Know If Your Back Pain Will Go Away On It’s Own, Or is More Serious Do you suffer from back pain that comes and goes? Do you go days, weeks, even months, feeling great and then Wham, you are in severe pain? If you do, you are not alone! In fact, I have…
Chiropractic the #1 Choice For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chiropractic the #1 Choice For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome in Catonsville is one of the most common workplace injuries, and is characterized by weakness, tingling, numbness and pain in your hand. It occurs when the median nerve is squeezed or compressed and tends to get worse over time if not treated, and can…
The Top 5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor After An Accident
The Top 5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor After An Accident If you have been in an auto accident and are in pain, your first thought is probably going to be to seek treatment from a medical doctor, but in actuality, visiting a Chiropractor in Catonsville is often the best course of action. A chiropractor…