Why You May Need A Chiropractor After An Auto Accident

If you have recently been in a car accident in Catonsville, you know that it is beyond scary and recovering can be difficult both emotionally and physically. Some injuries become apparent right away, and some serious problems take time to develop. What may seem like a little stiffness can actually be a major problem brewing.
You may have heard the term Whiplash, but do you know what whiplash actually is?
Whiplash is a term that describes injury to the neck that occurs as a result of a motor vehicle or car accident. It’s symptoms include:
- Pain in the neck, arm, back, muscles or shoulder
- Whole-body dizziness or vertigo
- Other symptoms can include, difficulty focusing, sensation of pins and needles, stiff neck, muscle spasms and nerve injury.
Injuries from an auto accident left untreated can interfere with work and everyday enjoyment. Don’t let an auto accident derail your life! The best way to treat these symptoms is to see a Chiropractor shortly after the accident for a consultation and exam. Your chiropractor is specially trained in treating the most common auto accident injuries and can provide chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage, exercises and more to put you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.
Dr. Johnson, your Catonsville Chiropractor is here to help. Call (410) 782-0750 to schedule a free consultation and get all your auto accident-related questions answered.
9:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 6:30pm
9:30am - 6:30pm
Johnson Chiropractic
and Rehabilitation
1126 North Rolling Road
Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 744-1233